The Spring weather is wonky, and chilly here in my region. While faithful early Spring medicinals (herbs & weeds) are fully beginning to be available. Dandelion leaves, plantain leaves, stinging nettle leaves, mullein leaf, and cleavers are set for adding in boiling water.
The taste is undeniable green
of earth
and nothing of a surprise.
Nothing exciting either,
simply feeding the body
and satisfying.
Expressing to serve, to support or to enhance.
Movements fold in as routines.
One of my older chickens died. Ruby. A marans chicken, of even temperament. She could be seriously broody. But she did the chicken thing, of going to the far end of the chicken run, away from the coupe. Tucking into a small space and letting her breathe end.
She needs to be buried. I have begun the process. She is surrounded in herbs and flowers.
I have dug a substantial hole. I usually bury my chickens under a tree or set of plants.
But I am not sure that this hole is where I want the Christmas tree from this last winter to be. So I may need to dig another hole.
Limits. Choices. Intertwine.
Expressing to serve, to support or to enhance.
Movements fold in as routines.
I was considering how I wanted to just sit and write. I wanted to do studio work. Which I did get going. And yet the rain broke and I stepped outside to continue my tending to dead bird particulars. And that is when I realized this too is very Saturn. This life expression as me, will only have so long. Just like Ruby. Very Saturnian. And I am not feeling to make the most of my time. That feels like a suggestion to crowd my time up with more n more. May I flow with ease and honesty, sincerely investing with what is for me, of me, with just enough to not be about me.
Limits. Choices. Intertwine.
Expressing to serve, to support or to enhance.
Movements fold in as routines.
Yesterday I had afterschool time with my grandson and the two dogs. It was time for finding pollywogs in the many fields with standing water. Running to catch and tickle. Call the dogs to stay somewhat near. And gather stinging nettle.
Limits. Choices. Intertwine.
Expressing to serve, to support or to enhance.
Movements fold in as routines.
RIP Ruby 💜🐔💜
And what a beautiful reminder to not succumb to the need to fill our time with busyness, but instead be open to the choice of just being in aweoffthe newness of spring and green.